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National Arabian Racehorse Association -Australia
Arabian Horse Racing - a Fusion of Elegance and Speed

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Arabian Racing in Australia - The Beginning
Many people have asked how Arabian Racing first started in Australia. Some may be surprised that Arabians were racing back in the 1970s and possibly before. Following are the Arabian Racing Clubs/Performance Cubs, who have raced in Australia since 1974.
The Pakenham Performance Show, Victoria - commenced in 1974
Australian Arabian Race Club (Qld)- 1986
Central Victorian Arabian Racing & Action Club 1988
Tasmanian Arabian Racing Club 1988
Hunter Valley Promotions Group
Western District Arabian Riders & Breeders Victoria 1988
Gold Coast Arabian Promotions Club 1989
Victorian Arabian Jockey Club - 1993
Northern Rivers Arabian Racing Club, NSW 1994
Southern Tablelands Arabian Racing Club 1994
NSW/ACT Arabian Racing Club (took over Southern Tablelands) 1995\96
Queensland Arabian Jockey Club 1995
Sth Australian Arabian Racing Club - 1996
United Arabian Racing Assoc. (Qld) Inc 1996/7
WA Arabian Horse Assoc. in conjunction with York Race Club 1997
Queensland Arabian Racing Club (QARA) 2014/2015
Australasian Arabian Racing Club (AARC), Qld 2018/2023
Following some years of very successful Arabian racing in various Australian States, it was agreed that representatives from each racing State should meet to discuss the formation of a National Arabian Racing Authority.
The National Arabian Racehorse Assoc. Ltd. was formed at the Albury Manor House Motel meeting on August 5th, 1995. Originally NARA was to be named "The Australian Arabian Racing Club", but unfortunately, another organization registered it in their name before the name could be registered, so NARA was formed. Representatives of the Victorian Arabian Jockey Club, the NSW/ACT Arabian Racing Club, and the United Arabian Racing Assoc. (Qld) Inc. Attended the meeting. The South Australia Arabian Racing Club was unable to attend. It was unanimously agreed that a National Arabian Racing Authority should be registered.
The meeting was attended by:
Gaire Blunt - NSW ............ Virginia Dodson - ACT ............ Alison Kordonis - NSW
Frank Staunton - NSW ............ Patricia Smith - NSW ............ Kevin Bohm - VIC
Peter Bon - VIC ............ Bill Gale - VIC ............ Maureen Milburn - VIC
Apologies were accepted from :
Sue Andrews, QLD - Ann Nyland - NSW - Claudia Reid, NSW - Karen Rustman, NSW
Frank Stokeld, NSW - Debbie Storace, QLD - Representative, South Australia.
The attendees elected the first NARA committee.
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